Thursday 28 July 2011

Thursday 28th July

What we did today:

Thismorning we had Art (Mrs Suhr's favourite subject!!!). We started our Vincent Van Gogh painting of 'Sunflowers'. We all did a great job of cross hatching on our tables and short brush strokes on our vases - and Mrs Biggs only got a little bit of brown paint on her apron (disappointing kids!).

In English we constructed our own narrative titled 'Mr Popper's Penguins'. We brainstormed our own initial event, complication and resolution. The students all contributed to each sentence in some way. The story was really cute in the end...and of course, they all lived happily ever after!

In RAVE we discussed Daniel and the Lion's Den. We focussed on the fact that Daniel trusted in God who sent angels to save him from the lions.

We heard from 4 more students today as we have almost come to the end of our Public Speaking Competition. We have found that those students who have used only pictures or dot points on their cue cards have found it easier to make eye contact with the audience as they are not busy reading lengthy sentences. Overall, the students should be commended on a terrific effort. It is quite confronting for some of them to get up and speak publicly - for others it's a dream come true!!!

Today the children also had Chinese and HPE.
Tomorrow we have our standardised Maths test after morning tea.

Mrs Suhr and I are very excited about the disco tomorrow afternoon!

2S Superstar of the Day Award: Mia
Well done Mia! You have displayed beautiful manners all day and have worked diligently at every task you have been set. You are highly respectful to all of your peers whilst they are trying to learn. Congratulations.

Enjoy your evening everyone.

Katie Watson.

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