Wednesday 24 August 2011

Wednesday 24th August

What we did today:

In English today we continued on with our descriptive writing. I bought a packet of Freckles in and the children were all told to use their five sense to describe the Freckle.

Some of their sentences (using adjectives) included:
  1. It tastes yummy.
  2. It smells like chocolate.
  3. It feels bumpy on one side and smooth on the other.
  4. It is silent.
  5. It looks colourful.
Obviously, they all enjoyed this lesson involving lollies!!!

In Maths we looked at 'backtracking'. Backtracking is where a take away undoes an addition (and vice versa). Examples are:
  •  take away undoes adding: 2 + 3 = 5 and 5 - 3 = 2
  • adding undoes take away: 8 - 3 = 5 and 5 + 3 = 8
The children are grasping the idea of this concept.

We then practised patterning with calculators. They enjoyed this activity because they love playing with their calculators. We discussed the features of calculators such as the =, +, -, x, /, and Memory features.

We then had Worship and 2S went to Science whilst Mrs Suhr and I did Art with 2B. It was great that the weather held off and the Year 2 boys could play soccer whilst the girls were able to sit and chat outside or run around.

Thanks to the Kirk family for the donation of tissues....we will need more however, so any more donations would be appreciated.

  • The Fathers Day celebrations are occuring on Monday 29th August in the classrooms from 9-10am. All Dads are welcome!
  • Next Friday 1st September is a public holiday on the Gold Coast so the College will be closed.
  • We are doing a calculator unit at the moment and we have noticed that not all students have one. They will all need one of these for Maths now.

2S Superstar of the Day Award: Sienna

Sienna has been trying very hard all day to complete her work. She sat quietly on the mat and did not disrupt other students and was not disrupted by other students. Congratulations Sienna for displaying respectful behaviour at school.

Enjoy your afternoon,

Katie Watson

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